Through the fire
My homeland, like many others, is burning
Like the hell’s door opened
There are bombs in the ground
Left there after the war
Exploding now
Picturing the apocalypse
Like in an horror movie
Except it’s reality
Brave humans are fighting
While I see the smoke coming
I’m still far from the fire
But for how long, I’m wondering?
I can breathe it
It burns down my lungs
My throat is on fire
I’m not crying
But tears fall anyway
Along with ashes
Looks like it’s snowing in July
How long before those in power
Choose to invest in green resources
And not in guns, bombs, wars we don’t need
How long before they open their eyes?
Will they, eventually?
Can I still dare to hope?
Because oddly I still do
I still believe in a better humanity
I still believe it’s possible
But reality is kicking my hope
And maybe I’m just a fool
We have only one planet
That’ll survive with us or without
And all these questions haunt my mind
And maybe they’ll never stop…