Missing Peace in Europe
Hello there, dear Artists, Writers, friends.
I’m listening to the music tonight. I’m writing here in order to try to distract myself a bit from what’s happening in Europe. As you know, Ukraine is under attack.
My pupils were playing at World War III in the garden yesterday. They divided themselves in two teams, Russia-China against America.
What is happening is nauseating me.
Maybe you feel the same too, and if so big hug to you.
All I see, looking at the news, is people dying and suffering. As usual, when there is a war. Maybe here in Europe we were so used to peace in our cities we didn’t really expect this outcome, despite the warnings. And yet, war is here.
Looking at some videos on Twitter I don’t believe my own eyes. I don’t want to believe it, you know?
This is NO SENSE.
Weren’t we, the normal people, already suffering with the pandemic?
Weren’t we already worried enough about climate crisis happening?
…we were.
I know someone is doing something that matters, to stop it. More than one, luckily. An entire Legion, it seems. My personal heroes and legends, today.
Thank God for the Anonymous team.
They stepped up.
As a writer, I feel I need to do the same.
I think about Russian people marching on the streets, risking their own freedom to go against the war.
I think about the journalists who are walking there to report to us what’s happening.
I think about the civilians running away, or trying to.
So, where is peace tonight?
Where is it wandering,
Eager to find us?
Where is it hiding?
Alone and scared,
Nullified by hate
Unknown, once again
Crawling and whispering
Lullabies no one seem to hear
Except the ones marching
Around the streets
Rebelling to the ones in power
Dreaming of a united world
Ignoring all the borders
Asking to be heard
Repeating the same