A random writer after the second draft
First things first: yay, I MADE IT!!!
Now, with my mint tea waiting to cool down, I’ll share something on my journey so far.
After a while, editing the second draft went smoothly as drinking a glass of water.
Mostly, I killed my darlings and cut something here and there. Anything, of course, I felt unnecessary to the story.
Then I added the ending chapter: as an artist, my battle; here in Italy.
That’s the Italian name, and I don’t even care to translate it for you: all you need to know is that we, the citizens, collected signatures for a referendum yet to come real.
I’ll wait gladly, to vote.
Meanwhile…my protagonist’s journey is a nightmare. She’s Celeste, and she wants me to say: “I’ll be honoured to meet you, readers. Be patient, and have faith.”
Well, because as a teacher I love Pinterest too. I found many words of wisdom in there, and as a learner I learned enough to know that a second draft is not the end of editing… if you want to become a real Writer.
Now, MY challenge will be teaching AND writing all together. I’ll need time, but I’m young enough to feel my work deserves it.
Don’t take me wrong: I’m not stuck in perfection. I’m just a good reader.
Before I’ll leave again this blog to live my real life, I hope everything goes well for you too.
I’m still worried about climate change: the bees are dying already, and someone wiser than me (uncle Albert) said everything I needed to know to take control of my home and act in the right way: recycling.
Here where I live, the problem was a spring (this year’s spring) colder than usual.
The world has a big problem, and I hope that capitalism won’t kill us all for good.
I don’t really know what to tell my pupils, next week: better to say the truth and scare them, or give them some hope and lie?
Read you soon…and as usual, welcome in here and thank you for following!